MAMA MONDAY - Stacey Fluet

MAMA MONDAY - Stacey Fluet


Stacey Fluet - Manager, MSC Strength and Future Nurtritional Therapist

From day 1 of Buggy Box Co - Stacey has supported us and cheered us on and we couldn’t be more thankful! Stacey is a bada** mama of 2 cute buggy boys. Her Instagram is full of laughs, relatable mom stories and most importantly workout motivation and Costco finds 🛍 We seriously need a membership after seeing all her purchases (shhh just don’t tell Justin!) 🤫

So give her a follow and wish her well - she’s battling COVID today like so many of you! Stay tuned on a new Buggy Box Co. to help with that coming SOON!

Q.  Favorite Mom Hack

A. Snack Dinners!! On nights when the last thing you want to think about is another dinner tell the kids if they can get it they can eat it (and make sure anything you don’t want them eating is out of reach)

Q.  Favorite Song to Play with Kids in Car Right Now

A.  We’re on a John Mayer kick lately…. and always if we’re being honest

Q.  Favorite Self Care Option

A.  Real Housewives marathons… New York and Jersey from the beginning are always

Q.  Something You Wish You Knew Before Having Kids

A.  Nothing! I was young and free and I wouldn’t want to ruin that pre-kid version of me!

Q.  Something That Took A While To Learn After Kids

A.  You can’t pour from an empty cup! You gotta take care of yourself if you want to take care of anyone else.

Q.  Something you are looking forward to now?

A.  My kids personalities. They’re getting more and more independent and it’s fun to see their sense of humor and personality traits shine through when they’re with friends or playing sports.

Q.  Finish this sentence: "Parenting is . . . "

A.  A rollercoaster ride! Hold on tight.

Q.  Something you will do for yourself TODAY?

A.  Well today I have COVID.. so sleep and a RHONY marathon.

Follow Stacey on Instagram - @sjmcfluet

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